Unlikely Voter

Conservative views on polls, science, technology, and policy

Ayotte cruises; Hodes passes Lamontagne

In Rasmussen’s latest peek in to the New Hampshire Senate race we little movement in May.

Kelly Ayotte still crushes Paul Hodes 50-38 despite rumors of a coming scandal, and Bill Binnie still has a solid lead at 43-38.

One change is that Ovide Lamontagne has now fallen behind Hodes in a near reversal from a month ago. Hodes is up now 43-38, MoE 4.5, for a 72% lead probability.

The other difference from last month is that Republican Jim Bender has now entered the poll against Hodes. He, too, trails, but is closer than Lamontagne at a nail-biting 41-39.

I hope I’m not going to spend all summer saying that race after race has little movement!


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