Boxer gets a boost
By Neil Stevens on September 20, 2010
Democrat Barbara Boxer just had her best poll in nearly two months, as PPP’s newest is showing her eight points ahead of Republican Carly Fiorina in the California Senate race.
August and early September brought several polls with Fiorina ahead, so this new result is a striking change from that period.
The last time she was this far ahead, it was in PPP’s last California poll July, and she was ahead nine points. That poll was of Registered Voters, and this one was of Likely Voters, but the two show nearly the same results. Then, Boxer was up 49-40 (MoE 4). Now, Boxer is up 50-42 (MoE 4). This leaves me curious about how things changed in the RV-LV shift.
In July, Barack Obama’s RV favorability was at 54-39. In September, it’s at 53-42. In July, Barbara Boxer’s job approval was at 44-46. In September it’s at 46-46. In July, the voter poll was split 46 D-34 R. In September, it’s 49 D-33 R.
The conclusion I draw is that PPP sees no enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans in California this year, as the Likely Voters aren’t really different in their partisan profile or opinions from the Registered Voters.