Enter Fox News and Pulse Opinion Research

By on September 14, 2010

Fox News has a set of polls out, some of which I will be posting on in depth as appropriate. What’s interesting about them though is they are apparently conducted through a new service by Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports. The service is called Pulse Opinion Research, and reportedly anyone can do a poll through it for $600.

This could change the polling landscape.

Some are skeptical that $600 would buy this service, but I believe it. At least, I’m assuming the customer will supply the phone numbers to call and the recording to use. You’re not paying for expertise and any bad polling will be a simple case of garbage in, garbage out.

Which means if my suspicion is true, then we’ll see a lot of bad polling with the POR name on it. But now we’ll know why.

That said, I expect this service could revolutionize public polling of House races in this country, and look forward to it.