Vitter looking safe

By on June 30, 2010

David Vitter appears to be safe. The latest Rasmussen poll of the Louisiana Senate Race has been sitting here for days on my computer, but I just hadn’t gotten around to posting it because it doesn’t appear to be a competitive race.

But let’s get it over with.

Vitter was hit with character scandal earlier in his term, but any outrage at him appears to have cooled off and replaced with outrage over the oil moratorium in the Gulf, as that’s an important industry in the state.

So now Vitter leads Charlie Melancon 53-35 (MoE 4.5), giving Melancon a 3% chance of being ahead by my estimation. No poll has shown Melancon over 40. In July of last year Vitter dropped as low as 44, but even then he had a 12 point lead.

PPP’s one out-of-the-mainstream poll showing Vitter with 9 point lead aside, the incumbent is going to win this one by default, it appears. Barring any news this should be the last time I cover this race this year.