Ayotte cruises; Hodes passes Lamontagne

By on May 14, 2010

In Rasmussen’s latest peek in to the New Hampshire Senate race we little movement in May.

Kelly Ayotte still crushes Paul Hodes 50-38 despite rumors of a coming scandal, and Bill Binnie still has a solid lead at 43-38.

One change is that Ovide Lamontagne has now fallen behind Hodes in a near reversal from a month ago. Hodes is up now 43-38, MoE 4.5, for a 72% lead probability.

The other difference from last month is that Republican Jim Bender has now entered the poll against Hodes. He, too, trails, but is closer than Lamontagne at a nail-biting 41-39.

I hope I’m not going to spend all summer saying that race after race has little movement!