Specter commits primary suicide
By Neil Stevens on May 10, 2010
Every single time we’ve been looking at the polls for the Pennsylvania Primary election, Arlen Specter was way ahead of Joe Sestak. Then he commented that he regretted leaving the Republican Party.
Uh oh.
I was stunned when I saw the Sunday edition of the Mulhenberg College/Morning Call tracking poll of the primary. It showed a steady decline for Specter and a steady rise for Sestak over May, taking Specter from a 48-42 lead, to a 42-46 deficit (MoE 5).
And then today, confirmation: Rasmussen also shows Sestak having made the improbable comeback, leading 47-42 (MoE 4.5).
At this point I question whether Specter has any shot at all, if this trend continues. Though if he can stop the bleeding he’s still in it.