Quick hits for Friday
By Neil Stevens on April 16, 2010
I don’t really think any of the newest polls I’m finding are particularly interesting, so I’ll just mention them all quickly and move on to something that hopefully is interesting.
Colorado Governor: Rasmussen polled Scott McInnis versus John Hickenlooper and came up with McInnis +6. This conflicts with PPP’s Hickenlooper +11 last month, and Daily Kos/Research 2000’s tie in January. The race just isn’t being polled enough to unpack this.
Arkansas Senate: Daily Kos/Research 2000 carpet bombed the race. No matchup shows either incumbent Blanche Lincoln to be ahead of Republican challengers John Boozman, Kim Hendren, Gilbert Baker, Tom Cox, or Curtis Coleman. However for now Halter keeps the races closer, and leads Tom Cox and Curtis Coleman.
The bad news for the Halter fans is that Lincoln crushes Halter 45-34, MoE 4, for a 91% chance that Lincoln is out in front.
Nevada Senate: Sue Lowden leads Majority Leader Harry Reid 47-37 in a poll by the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Mason Dixon Polling and Research, with a Margin of Error of 4. Lowden even leads in unionized Clark County, the state’s stronghold for Democrats, 44-38.