Quick Hits for Monday
By Neil Stevens on April 12, 2010
Here are a few polls that came out from later Friday to today that I don’t think deserve a full work-up, but are worth mentioning at least.
Looking at the Ohio Governor’s race: Daily Kos and Research 2000 have Strickland ahead again 45-40, MoE 4. The lines seem drawn now: Quinnipiac and Kos said Ted Strickland is up, Rasmussen and PPP said John Kasich is up. My conclusion: they have a fight on their hands, but Kasich had better keep busy because the trend is against him and for the incumbent.
If Rasmussen is even close to right, Charlie Crist is finished in the Republican primary for the Florida Senate race, as Marco Rubio crushes him 57-28. I’m grateful to see Rasmussen doing a primary poll, regardless!
This poll by Muhlenberg College for Morning Call of the big Pennsylvania races looks strange to me. Nearly half the electorate is undecided for the Pat Toomey/Joe Sestak matchup as well as every pairing for Governor. In a state Democrats win so often as Pennsylvania, I expect a unity bounce after the primary.
With a Margin of Error of 5 (or is it 40 for the Governor’s race, I can’t tell), the poll found Arlen Specter 40/Pat Toomey 47, Joe Sestak 40/Pat Toomey 33 in the Senate pairings. For Governor, Republicans unite behind Tom Corbett to give him leads of 42-18 over Don Onorato, 44-16 over Jack Wagner, and 45-11 over Joe Hoeffel.
Corbett had better hope he can get his fundraising in now with those numbers, as I see no way at all that Democrats stay under 20 for the Governor’s race in Pennsylvania. This poll I can find no use for at all. None.